care services are a home/dom care
service. They employ carers who work from a rota tailored to both them and the
people they care for. Home care as a service can provide people with the much
sought after dignity and freedom they seek while still getting the care they
need to go through every day. This can be through the carers helping them get
ready in the morning, giving medication, taking those who need it to the
toilet, and more. Carers work both independently and in pairs, depending on the
call. It’s quite a flexible way of working and can be very rewarding. You can
work both as a driver or a ‘walker’, and if you’re on a double up call they
tend to pair walkers with a driver. Leaf Care’s office is located on Dereham Road
and is easily accessible.
Care Services are always on the look out for new staff, but now more than ever
as they’ve taken on calls from a different company. This means there’s more
people to look after, and so they need to recruit more staff.
idea is to create a recruitment video for Leaf. I’ve researched recruitment
videos for other care services, and have planned mine accordingly.
recruitment videos for care services use paid actors to ‘stand in’ for the
carers and give a fake account of their job. I’ve decided to use real carers
who will give a real account of their day to day. This is to get a real,
truthful view on what it really means to be a carer.
will follow a few carers around on their calls to get the shots I need, such as
them arriving at someone’s house.
privacy reasons, however, I will be having to avoid going in to people’s houses
to get shots of the carers working, so I will be getting my mum, or my sister
to act as if they were caring for someone round my grandparents house.
To be
a carer, you have to be over the age of 18 or doing an apprenticeship. I will
also cover what it is to be an apprentice for Leaf Care in my video. So I will
mainly be targeting those aged between 18-40 with my recruitment video. It will
be an in depth, but short “educational” video on what a carer does, and why
Leaf is a good company to work for. My audience would be both male and female,
working class, from different backgrounds. Home care or live in care is a job
that you can easily do in your gap year, while travelling around to make sure
you have a bit of money before you travel again. Especially live in care, as it
gives you a roof over your head. This means this sort of job is great for those
who are in or taking a year out before they start university. The lifestyle of
my audience would be one where they need a flexible job where they can almost
‘choose’ when they work, such as new parents, young adults, or those looking to
work more than one job. My video would be shared online mostly, so would be
aimed at those who are already looking online for a job in care, but are still
researching what the job entails.
will see carers doing their jobs, making tea, making beds, arriving, etc.
will also be interviews so that I can get an account of the job from their
perspective, which will be used as both the interview itself and a voice over
on the clips of the carers doing their jobs.
will have music that fits the tone of the video, so soft, gentle tracks.
does follow the codes and conventions of current practice (play video)
only difference is, I will be using the carers, not actors, to get a very real
is a rough draft of my storyboards. I’ve included all the cut aways and
GVs that I wish to include. Obviously while editing these things may change and
Katie from Leaf Care Services will let me know of any changes she wishes, and
these will be implemented too.
get my product ‘out there’ to the audience, I will upload it to the Leaf Care
Services YouTube channel (or make them one if they don’t have one already).
They can then use this link to share across their social media, or embed in
their website or with any vacancies they wish to promote somewhere.
get feedback from the client I will be sending Leaf Care Services a copy of the
finished video, so they can then use it as they wish. Katie from Leaf Care will
send me feedback which they have received or from herself, and I will make any
improvements necessary.
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