Thursday 2 March 2017


Leaf Care Services

Today I met with Katie Gibb & Rebecca Stamp from Leaf Care Services to discuss more in depth what the project is, what they want, what my role will be, and anything they wish to add.

We discussed people who could be in our film, and Katie said she'll send me across a list of emails and names of people who may be interested to take part, so I can email them, tell them about the project & work with each other to find our availability.

We talked about the techniques and conventions in usual home care recruitment videos and what the style of this one shall be. 

Katie asked what her role in all this was, and I told her she was my client, it was her say what was to be put in and taken out of the video once I show her an edit. She said I had basically full control over the structure of the production and what I film. 

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