Wednesday 19 April 2017

Production Diary

2nd March 2017

Met with Katie Gibb from Leaf Care services to discuss plan for this project.

8th March 2017

Met with Carly Rowena to discuss the possibility of working together for both work experience and this project. 

9th March 2017

Completed pitch and proposal part of this project.

10th March

Received email of contact details of four volunteers for filming, two for interview. Contacted volunteers, and scheduled with when equipment was available to film.

11th March 2017

Received email from Carly Rowena which said I hadn't been taken on for the role of her Personal Assistant, and so couldn't go forward with working with her on this project.

13th March

Both my mum and my sister, who I worked with for filming this project, handed in their four week notices.

17th March

Picked up equipment for filming over the weekend.

18th March

Filmed with Tia, picked up shots while trying to work around bad weather as filming outside. Was unable to pick up as many shots for GVs as I would have liked to.

19th March

Filmed with my sister and my mum, however also couldn't get as many shots as I would have liked to for GVs as all of the family emergencies that could have happened, happened. For more information on this, feel free to ask.

20th March

Dropped equipment back at college. Tia, who I filmed GVs with, handed in her notice to Leaf Care Services.

21st March

Was supposed to film with Wiktoria, a carer, in the studio for an interview but she cancelled on the day so had to get my sister to come in as an emergency. 

22nd March

Filmed with Tia in the studio for an interview. Tried to get my mum to come in, but as home carers are, she was called in to work to cover someone who called in sick.

23rd March

Mum booked a surprise holiday to Butlins for the next week, so instead of editing, tried to get as much of the paperwork done as possible so I wasn't stressing over that.

27th to 30th March

Went to Butlins, would have completed work while I was away but I had no signal for internet to log on to Blogger.

1st to 18th March

Easter break. Filmed missing GVs with my mum on my own camera, but struggled in places as my personal camera kept switching off. Kept trying all over the holidays to film here and there as I could. Completed as much of the paperwork as possible. Mum and Rosie both had their last day working for Leaf Care Services and handed back their uniforms on the 14th. Tia had her last day on the 18th and has handed in her uniform too.

This means if there's any issue with anything I've filmed, I have no one to film in an emergency. I'll have to work with what I've got and make the best product I can for Leaf Care Services.

19th to 21st March

I began to block out and edit my interviews, colour correcting them and picking pieces out here and there, moving them around until they fit and flowed fluidly and made sense.

24th March

I came into college to use an edit suite to begin the bulk edit of my project. I created a draft edit and sent off the piece to Leaf Care Services.

25th March

I finished the edit for my project and created a social media campaign video too. These were uploaded to dropbox and a download link sent off to Katie at Leaf Care Services. I made sure I had a copy on my hard drive, and uploaded an even more backup version onto YouTube.

27th March

Assignment hand in date. Came in to college, and started finishing the final pieces of "paper work" and uploaded images of other completed paperwork. Requested feedback from Leaf Care about the recruitment video and the marketing video. This should be received by later today or tomorrow.

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