Tuesday 25 April 2017

Marketing/Advertising Drafts

This is an example of one of the pieces of Marketing/Advertising I created for Leaf Care. They didn't have a PNG logo file of their logo available, so I worked hard on Photoshop editing around a logo with a white background. This isn't a fully usable PNG file, for example if you were to stretch it, there may be a chance it will pixelate. For what I needed it for however, it worked well and Leaf Care Services may be able to work with it too, for example using it for website banners, Facebook page promotions, attaching it to the bottom of emails as an email signature, and more.

The video above is another piece of advertising/marketing I created for Leaf Care Services. It is a short 30 second video made to get the basic points out there, and have a link to their website and email address included. If it were possible, I would've preferred this video to be square, to fit with social media standards (such as Facebook and Instagram video). It's short so people don't drift off, and most of the main important information is included near the very start. 

To sort of "make up for" one of my marketing/advertising pieces being a PNG logo, I also made and sent them a separate video clip of the opening logo from the recruitment videos. This means that if they ever need to use it again for whatever purpose, it's there for them to use.

These are the pieces of advertising I discussed with Leaf Care and that they were happy for me to make, as when I went in to meet Katie, they said they were not too fussed with the 2 pieces of advertising side of the assignment. They can share the video around on their social media.

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