Thursday 27 April 2017

Marketing & Promotional Pieces

For the social media campaign video, it's made to be short and catchy and share the information needed. 

This would be advertised on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook alongside the tailored boost campaign to broadcast the video to the correct audience. This audience would be tailored using the built in content promotion feature on these social media platforms.

Above is detailed audience selection via Twitter's audience profile builder.

These screenshots were taken from Facebook's post boost feature. This, and Twitter's similar version, allow you to tailor and target an audience for your post to reach outside of those who have 'liked' your posts and visited your posts before, for a small (or big) fee, depending on how much you are willing to spend. As Facebook own Instagram, the post boost feature is similar to Facebook's own. 

Having the video included in one of these boost campaigns will aid with the promotion of the video and will help it reach people it may never have reached otherwise, allowing these people to find out about Leaf Care Services and what the job entails. 

Usually I wouldn't encourage a company to pay for a post boost, and instead pay for a company like Social Network Solutions or to hire an independent social media manager to run a campaign for them, but Leaf Care Services have neither the time or money to work with an external social media manager, and so will find it a lot less time consuming and a lot easier to use the built in post features. 

Finished Product

Initial Research

Junior Chef Academy

The Junior Chef Academy is a cookery course tailored towards young people. It's located at City College Norwich and would be easy to get to for filming. However, for filming purposes it'd take a lot of work getting the correct participant release forms signed and working around a lot of children, who may not wish to be filmed. 

It would include early start times and having to carry heavy equipment around the city to get to location.

There's also a shorter, one week course by the same people at the same location.

However, the actual "Chef Academy" had already started and it was too late to begin filming and promotion of the course for this year. 

Participant Release Forms

Music Cue Sheet

Feedback From Client

This is the initial feedback I received from Katie. She really liked the video and didn't send me across any way I can improve. This was while I was almost finished editing, so I did mention in my email to her that I would be adding more GVs an end card with contact details, and music below the edit. 

I've sent her across the full finished video and have asked for more detailed feedback.

Content and Audience Research

To make sure my promotional video would be of standard, and successful for it's purpose I first conducted a survey to see what people thought of recruitment videos. This let me gauge an idea of what people liked, what they don't like, and their overall opinion on if a promotional video would sway them into applying for a job.

Out of 24 responses, the majority said that a recruitment video being available to watch would help them with the decision of what job to apply for.

From the responses to the below question, I found what people would find most helpful and used this to influence what I would ask in the interview or include in the GVs and general footage. The most popular choices by far were interviews with current staff detailing the job description and have the video a "day in the life" style. I used these to also aid with my edit.

As well as this survey, I asked staff who had been in the care industry for a while, and also staff who had only just joined the care industry what they would think on a recruitment video. The majority said that a recruitment video would help them choose which company to apply for within the care industry. They also said that getting opinions and thoughts from staff currently working with the company would help. One person said that having a recruitment video may be biased towards the company, but it wouldn't be so far from a job listing on a vacancy site that it's something to worry about.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Reviewing and Amending Work In Progress

Timeline mid edit, while blocking out the interviews.

I added a PNG Logo, which I edited to have a transparent background because they didn't have a version with this, to the shots. I played with placement and have yet to find somewhere it fits happily, and adjust the size too. I colour corrected the shots so they are not so yellow.

Above is a screenshot of my edit timeline mid-to end process. 

Distribution and Exhibition

In order to share the project and finished product with Leaf Care, I uploaded the video, and the advertising and marketing products to Dropbox for Katie to download herself from there. 

I emailed Katie the shared link, so even if she doesn't have a dropbox account, she can still download it.

These videos are to be used as Leaf Care wishes. They may upload them to a YouTube channel and attach the link to job vacancy listings, or share them on social media. I have also uploaded the videos to my YouTube channel unlisted, so that I can have it linked into my Showreel playlist on my channel, but only those with a link can watch it. This also means I have backup copies of the video myself.

Marketing/Advertising Drafts

This is an example of one of the pieces of Marketing/Advertising I created for Leaf Care. They didn't have a PNG logo file of their logo available, so I worked hard on Photoshop editing around a logo with a white background. This isn't a fully usable PNG file, for example if you were to stretch it, there may be a chance it will pixelate. For what I needed it for however, it worked well and Leaf Care Services may be able to work with it too, for example using it for website banners, Facebook page promotions, attaching it to the bottom of emails as an email signature, and more.

The video above is another piece of advertising/marketing I created for Leaf Care Services. It is a short 30 second video made to get the basic points out there, and have a link to their website and email address included. If it were possible, I would've preferred this video to be square, to fit with social media standards (such as Facebook and Instagram video). It's short so people don't drift off, and most of the main important information is included near the very start. 

To sort of "make up for" one of my marketing/advertising pieces being a PNG logo, I also made and sent them a separate video clip of the opening logo from the recruitment videos. This means that if they ever need to use it again for whatever purpose, it's there for them to use.

These are the pieces of advertising I discussed with Leaf Care and that they were happy for me to make, as when I went in to meet Katie, they said they were not too fussed with the 2 pieces of advertising side of the assignment. They can share the video around on their social media.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Job Allocations

I worked mostly independently within this project, doing both sound and camera myself where possible, for example using microphones which plug straight into the cameras. 

I discussed with my mum and my sister, who have worked the role of home care worker for many years, on what a carer would do on their day to day basis and they had creative input on my shots and how they should be recorded too. 

Derek in the gallery and recording studio helped me set up my shots for the interviews, but ultimately left me to it. He assisted with lighting and background.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Production Diary

2nd March 2017

Met with Katie Gibb from Leaf Care services to discuss plan for this project.

8th March 2017

Met with Carly Rowena to discuss the possibility of working together for both work experience and this project. 

9th March 2017

Completed pitch and proposal part of this project.

10th March

Received email of contact details of four volunteers for filming, two for interview. Contacted volunteers, and scheduled with when equipment was available to film.

11th March 2017

Received email from Carly Rowena which said I hadn't been taken on for the role of her Personal Assistant, and so couldn't go forward with working with her on this project.

13th March

Both my mum and my sister, who I worked with for filming this project, handed in their four week notices.

17th March

Picked up equipment for filming over the weekend.

18th March

Filmed with Tia, picked up shots while trying to work around bad weather as filming outside. Was unable to pick up as many shots for GVs as I would have liked to.

19th March

Filmed with my sister and my mum, however also couldn't get as many shots as I would have liked to for GVs as all of the family emergencies that could have happened, happened. For more information on this, feel free to ask.

20th March

Dropped equipment back at college. Tia, who I filmed GVs with, handed in her notice to Leaf Care Services.

21st March

Was supposed to film with Wiktoria, a carer, in the studio for an interview but she cancelled on the day so had to get my sister to come in as an emergency. 

22nd March

Filmed with Tia in the studio for an interview. Tried to get my mum to come in, but as home carers are, she was called in to work to cover someone who called in sick.

23rd March

Mum booked a surprise holiday to Butlins for the next week, so instead of editing, tried to get as much of the paperwork done as possible so I wasn't stressing over that.

27th to 30th March

Went to Butlins, would have completed work while I was away but I had no signal for internet to log on to Blogger.

1st to 18th March

Easter break. Filmed missing GVs with my mum on my own camera, but struggled in places as my personal camera kept switching off. Kept trying all over the holidays to film here and there as I could. Completed as much of the paperwork as possible. Mum and Rosie both had their last day working for Leaf Care Services and handed back their uniforms on the 14th. Tia had her last day on the 18th and has handed in her uniform too.

This means if there's any issue with anything I've filmed, I have no one to film in an emergency. I'll have to work with what I've got and make the best product I can for Leaf Care Services.

19th to 21st March

I began to block out and edit my interviews, colour correcting them and picking pieces out here and there, moving them around until they fit and flowed fluidly and made sense.

24th March

I came into college to use an edit suite to begin the bulk edit of my project. I created a draft edit and sent off the piece to Leaf Care Services.

25th March

I finished the edit for my project and created a social media campaign video too. These were uploaded to dropbox and a download link sent off to Katie at Leaf Care Services. I made sure I had a copy on my hard drive, and uploaded an even more backup version onto YouTube.

27th March

Assignment hand in date. Came in to college, and started finishing the final pieces of "paper work" and uploaded images of other completed paperwork. Requested feedback from Leaf Care about the recruitment video and the marketing video. This should be received by later today or tomorrow.