Saturday 25 February 2017


Generate a minimum of three ideas for your Personal Major Project.

  • One idea for a department or course at City College (CP or SACM)
  • One idea for a known community group, maybe a local issue to where you live or work (SACM)
  • One idea for a known company/individual about a product or service (CP)

Carly Rowena

What is the basic idea?

I would work with Carly to provide content for her YouTube channels and social medias. This would be videos of her working out, including work out routines for her audience to do at home. 

Who are you making it for?

I will be making the videos for Carly to use as she wishes online, to either post to Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

What is the potential issue, product or service you will be highlighting?

I would be highlighting Carly's knowledge on sports, fitness and health to provide advice for her online audience and also real-life clients.

Who are the potential audience?

The potential audience are young adult females who is her main demographic on YouTube and online in general. 

Friday 24 February 2017


Generate a minimum of 3 different ideas for your Personal Major Project.

  • One idea for a department or course at City College (CP or SACM)
  • One idea for a known community group, maybe a local issue to where you live or work (SACM)
  • One idea for a known company/individual about a product or service (CP)

Leaf Care Services

What is the basic idea?

The basic idea is to create a recruitment video with testimonials from both staff and (maybe) those who use the home care service. The reason that testimonials from those who use the service may not happen is that they can be vulnerable and in some cases may not have mental capacity to give consent to be in the film. 

Another idea is to work with Leaf on creating an advertisement campaign for their Live-in Care service to promote that side of their business a bit more. 

Who is the potential client?

The client would be Katie on behalf of Leaf Care Services as she is head of advertisement and deals with everything promotional. 

Who are you making it for?

The recruitment video would be a call out for new staff, so adults aged 18+ who are looking for a new job. The advertisement campaign idea would be targeted more for those who are deciding which care service they would need through social services.

What is the potential issue, product or service you will be highlighting?

The service highlighted would be Leaf Care Services and what they provide towards people in need of home care.

Who are the potential audience?

The recruitment video's audience would be young adults in search of a new job, their first job, a way to step into care. 

The Live-in Care service campaign audience would be at first social services, and then vulnerable people looking for a care service who wish to stay at home.


Generate a minimum of 3 different ideas for your Personal Major Project.
  • One idea for a department or course at City College (CP or SACM)
  • One idea for a known community group, maybe a local issue to where you live or work (SACM)
  • One idea for a known company/individual about a product or service (CP)

B-Eat Charity

What is the basic idea?

The basic idea would be to create a testimonial-style video. I'd interview someone in regards to the charity, getting them to speak about information, contact details so if anyone wishes they could contact the charity they can, history of the charity, and why/how it was set up. Maybe include GVs of someone looking at themselves in a mirror, but nothing too insensitive to any eating disorders or mental health issues.

A second idea would be doing a short film style video, on the effects of eating disorders on the sufferer themselves, and their surrounding family and friends. It would be touching a sensitive subject so would have to be thoroughly researched and thought through with care. This would highlight what people go through, maybe how to reach out to someone if you are suffering yourself, or how to reach out to someone who may be suffering themselves. 

Who is the potential client?

The client would be B-Eat themselves, to put on their website or social media platforms to explain what the charity does, and ways to get help.

Who are you making it for?

I would be making this SACM video for the charity to use as they wish. They could use it in charity conferences, for raising awareness, show it to those wishing to learn more about eating disorders, or to put it on their website for people to watch as and when they wish. 

What is the potential issue, product or service you will be highlighting?

I will be highlighting the effects of an eating disorder, what to look out for and also contact details for the charity themselves. 

Who are the potential audience?

The potential audience would be young adults, to educate them about eating disorders and the charity.


Generate a minimum of 3 different ideas for your Personal Major Project.
  • One idea for a department or course at City College Norwich (CP or SACM)
  • One idea for a known community group, maybe a local issue to where you live or work (SACM)
  • One idea for a known company/individual about a product or service (CP)

Junior Chef Academy

What is the basic idea?

  This would be a corporate or promotional video. This video would include shots of people on the course, the Chef leading the course, two or more short but in depth testimonials about the course, and maybe the Chef discussing what the activities on the course include (for example, what meals they may learn to make, techniques used, etc).

Who is the potential Client?

The client would be the course leader on behalf of City College Norwich. 

Who are you making it for?

I will be making the video for City College Norwich to use as a promotional video, maybe to be shown as and when on Open Evenings, on the website, on their social media, or whenever someone comes in to enquire about leisure courses.

What is the potential issue, product or service you will be highlighting?

I will be highlighting a leisure course held by City College Norwich in their industry-standard kitchens for younger people aged between 10-15 who wish to learn how to cook outside of high school. 

I will also be highlighting things the course will include, opportunities for course participants and where the course is actually held.

Who are the potential audience?

The potential audience are parents and young people who are interested in this kind of opportunity, who may come in to the college on an Open Evening. This video could also be taken to high schools around Norwich for promotion too, for use during an assembly or for tutors to show their class on things they could take part in outside of school. 

Leaf Care Services

First stage contact between me and Leaf Care Services in regard to potentially working with them to create a promotional video to either recruit staff or help with the advertising campaign for their Live-In Care department.

I'm now waiting for an email on if I can come in next week to their offices to discuss this further



  On this blog I will be uploading all my work towards completing my Personal Major Project. There will be pages covering Production Diary, Ideas, Research, Planning & Management, Feedback & Evaluation.

Below are images of my initial notes on the assignment.